• In the Eye of the Storm 《暴风之中》

    今天, 虽然阳光照亮一点,但是风雨持续。我们也听见一点雷,可是看不见闪电。



    Today, even with a little bit of sun peaking out, it’s been storming outside with heavy rain, and even a little bit of hail. We heard a bit of thunder, even though peeks of lighting were rare.

    It reminded me of how about two weeks ago, I was restless as a storm struck, and the wind pounded with great force. A tree outside brushed its branches against my bedroom window.

    It made me want to share a poem from February, “In the Eye of the Storm”.

    在暴风的中心,/In the eye of the storm,
    我以为我认识了上帝。/I thought I had met God.
    海洋与天空的关系撕裂了,/The connection between the sea and sky tears apart,
    跟我裙子碎片一起飘逸。/floating with pieces of my skirt.
    裸体的我慢慢地/A naked me slowly
    对蔷薇石英云伸手,/stretchs my hands out to the rose quartz clouds,
    为天堂的荣耀期待,/so that I could wait for heaven’s glory,
    为了穿着如天使。/so that I may dress like the angels.

    我听见强风的祷告:/I heard a strong breeze’s prayer,
    对忧郁的孩子哭泣,/crying out at a depressed child,
    正在岛的废墟隐藏。/now hiding in the island’s ruins.
    我勉强地做了呼喊,/I struggle to shout,
    加装了我是只狮子,/pretending that I was a lion–
    可是我失去了声音,/but I lost my voice,
    天堂的合唱队接受了。/which the heavenly choir accepted.

    而在脆弱的瞬间中,/And in that fragile moment,
    我以为我的流泪/I thought I that my tears
    可以扑灭一辈子的火。/could extinguish the fires of life.
    闪电和波浪一起跳舞;/The lightning and waves dance together;
    我期望他们可能带我。/I wait for them to take me away.
    我眨眼以前,/Before I could blink,
    血淋淋手拥抱我,/a pair of bloodied hands embrace me,
    而我快地发现,/and I quickly realized,
    我没面对自己。/I had not faced myself.


  • Two Moons 《一双月亮》

    Picture Credit: Joonas kääriäinen from Pexels.



    First of all, I wanted to apologize for posting this a week later, because I spent two weeks trying to get this poem right.

    For the last two years, I wrote poems for the Mid-Autumn Festival, focusing on a different aspect of the moon. This year, I thought of the idea of two moons, hence this poem.

    As always, let me know what you think of it and where it could be improved!

    牛奶的月亮,/Milky moon,
    请用银河掩盖/please use the Milky way to cover up
    我可怜的悲伤。/my pitiful sorrows.
    风雪是一只/The snow and wind is a
    好奇的猫;/curious cat;
    她走来走去/she walks on and on
    为了停她的漫步。/to end her wandering.

    一位射手/An archer
    早已杀了老月亮。/already killed the old moon.
    大理的茶壶以空了;/The marble teapot is empty
    而一切的处女都干一杯。/and all the maidens have had a toast.
    在碎片,我的双手淹没,/My hands drown in the fragments,
    而我慢慢地化身/and I slowly incarnate into
    一位折磨的幽灵,/a tormented spirit,
    跟着蝮蛇的疑见,/following the adders’ gaze,
    一直怀疑脚步。/always doubting my own steps.

    所以,狼牙的月亮,/So, wolf tooth moon,
    请为我的喜乐/please, for my happiness,
    照亮前途. /light the future.
    松林告别之后,/After the pine trees bid farewell,
    一片的虚荣/a bit of vanity
    是我唯一的继承/is my only inheritance.

  • Lady of the North

    (Picture Credit: Victor Miyata from Pexels)

    Hello everybody,

    As mentioned, I like writing poetry in different languages. When I do so, I usually choose the language I want to write in before I actually write it. The images would naturally float up from there.

    But, what happens if I have a similar idea, but diverged in different ways?

    A few years ago, I wrote an English-language poem, called Lady of the North. I was listening to Adele’s “Hello” and was caught on the idea of memory from it.

    Lady of the north, 

    Spindling winds from winter, 

    Stop haunting me, 

    This person you claimed to be a friend, 

    Yet played like a small stone skipping 

    Through a summer sea. 

    You have conjured dreams turning me about 

    In the night, 

    Alluding to a security never there except by name. 

    Stop giving me mirages 

    In the snow, where it’s actually raining— 

    You can never have purity, just a scent of gray. 

    Don’t give me blue when you want to send me black— 

    Promised me wealth and innocence, 

    Only to fire a bullet of guilt right through my heart— 

    In which you spit and leave me to silence in the snow. 

    A year ago, I wanted to try to write with a similar idea, only in Chinese. The first draft wasn’t my best work, as I thought my use of language wasn’t the best there. I wanted to start off like the English-language version, but it got lost along the way. It was only recently where I thought of the idea of hands coming out of the snow, in which I found a starting point for this final version. I also included an English translation.

    在我出生的雪中/In the snow where I was born

    我把双手伸给你。/I stretched out my hands for you.

    我开始变了,/I began to change,

    像一个腼腆的梅花/like a shy plum blossom

    又开放了。blooming again.

    在你琳琅满目的山峰,/In your glistening, sparkling peaks,

    我失去了我的冰箱,/I lost my frost,

    烧了直到我是/and burned until I became

    文雅的天鹅。/a refined swan.

    我的毛让你放弃/My feathers made you give up

    你最珍惜的奖品–一杯黄茶。/your most precious good–a cup of yellow tea.

    海阔天空的山谷拥抱我,/The boundless valleys embraced me,

    可是你的黑色幽默/but your dark humour

    云满了我的黑夜。/clouded up my nights.

    你说了春分只是幻梦/You say that the spring equinox is a fantasy,

    而我应该当独自的狼,/and I should be a solitary wolf,

    一直被松林和银河陪了/always accompanied by the woods and the Milky Way.

    山花冰了/The mountain flowers freeze

    当它们勉强地/as they struggle to

    征服山峰,/conquer the peaks,

    神交太阳。/communing with the sun.

    我会出走,/And I will set out,

    头破血流,/beaten black and blue,

    面对你的/to face your

    冷漠荣耀/indifferent glory.

Sappho, spelled (in the dialect spoken by the poet) Psappho, (born c. 610, Lesbos, Greece — died c. 570 BCE). A lyric poet greatly admired in all ages for the beauty of her writing style.

Her language contains elements from Aeolic vernacular and poetic tradition, with traces of epic vocabulary familiar to readers of Homer. She has the ability to judge critically her own ecstasies and grief, and her emotions lose nothing of their force by being recollected in tranquillity.

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